Economic transition in the Middle East : global challenges and adjustment strategies / edited by Heba Handoussa.
نوع المادة : نصتفاصيل النشر:Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 1997.الطبعات:1st. edوصف:275 p. : ill. ; 24 cmتدمك:- 9774244281
- 21 330.956 e c
نوع المادة | المكتبة الرئيسية | المجموعة | رقم الطلب | حالة | تاريخ الإستحقاق | الباركود |
كتاب | Library INP Main Reading Hall | EN Book | 330.956 e c (إستعراض الرف(يفتح أدناه)) | المتاح | 008780 |
Browsing Library INP shelves, Shelving location: Main Reading Hall, Collection: EN Book إغلاق مستعرض الرف(يخفي مستعرض الرف)
330.950429 r e Rethinking the East Asia miracle / | 330.951 China's crony capitalism : the dynamics of regime decay / | 330.951 C. C The China paradox : at the front line of economic transformation / | 330.956 e c Economic transition in the Middle East : | 330.956 L E Economies of the eastern Mediterranean region : | 330.956 r e Economic development in the Middle East / | 330.962 eg Egyptian Exports and Challenges of the 21th Century / |
"Based on papers presented at a conference organized by the Economic Research Forum and held in Rabat in 1995, as well as at an earlier conference organized in 1992 by the American University in Cairo" -- pref.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-262) and index.
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