The state of the marine and coastal environment in the Mediterranean region / United Nations Environment Programme. Mediterranean Action Plan.
نوع المادة : نصتفاصيل النشر:Athens : UNEP, 1996.وصف:p. 134 ; 24 cmتدمك:- 928071578x
- 21 620.8 s t
نوع المادة | المكتبة الرئيسية | المجموعة | رقم الطلب | حالة | تاريخ الإستحقاق | الباركود |
كتاب | Library INP Main Reading Hall | EN Book | 620.8 s t (إستعراض الرف(يفتح أدناه)) | المتاح | 008569 |
The Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) was established in 1975 as a coherent legal and institutional framework for cooperation through which all Mediterranean countries decided to jointly address common challenges of environmental degradation while linking sustainable resource management with development. It was soon followed by the Barcelona Convention and seven Protocols addressing issues relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources as well as to many policies and measures aiming to improve its management.
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